Very Lively Conspiracy Theories
WorldNetDaily columnist Scott Lively loves his conspiracy theorizing, with dashes of racism and Obama derangement, plus a rant at a professor who debunked a David Barton book.
Scott Lively loves his wacky conspiracy theories. Fortunately for him, the ConWeb outlet that publishes him, WorldNetDaily, loves them too, and he has served up a plethora of them over the past year or so. For instance, he spent an October 2023 column insisting that American Jews aren’t real Jews, and that Barack Obama is likely the Antichrist:
The war today in Israel is not primarily Israel vs. Hamas or Hezbollah, or Syria, or Iran or all of Islam. It is a civil war of Jews – the globalist Synagogue of Satan “Jews” of the United States vs the ultra-nationalist authentically Judean Jews who came to power in Israel last November for the very first time since the British repatriated the Jewish people in their ancestral, God-covenanted homeland in 1917. This new Jewish government represents primarily the Sephardic minority, descendants of Jewish “golden age” on the Iberian Peninsula whose ethnic claims to the Holy Land have never been contested – as opposed to the majority Askenazi Jews of largely Khazarian (non-Hebrew) ethnicity by way of Germany (where the literal Seat of Satan was reconstructed by the last Caesar of the Second Reich in the late 1800s and so very many modern evils originated).
To be clear, Khazarian heritage does not in itself disqualify any individual from membership in authentic Judaism, because the Mosaic Law had always allowed for non-Hebrew conversions (Deuteronomy 23:1-8). But it is from this cohort of Jews that the evil branch of Torah-defying fake Jews has grown into a world-strangling vine heavily laden with the Grapes of Sodom: the George Soros and Paul Singer and Chuck Schumer types.
To understand what is happening in Israel we must step back to see the bigger picture of the entire world at war. In a very real sense World War III began with the election of Barack Obama to the White House, whom many still recognize as a prime candidate for the final Antichrist even though he mostly lurks in the shadows at present. It was Obama who dramatically escalated the globalist campaign for world control – sponsoring along with “Pope” Francis the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is the final blueprint for achieving global government and which the U.N. has ominously just pledged to complete in the seven remaining years – even while admitting they are behind schedule (consider the implications of THAT).
The loss of Israel to the nationalists was the ultimate nightmare scenario of the Synagogue of Satan globalist “Jews” who have since engaged in all-out political and judicial warfare to stop the them from reforming the leftist-controlled Israeli judiciary (where the real power over policy is wielded, just as is true in the U.S.). In the past month these globalist “Jews” seemingly lost that domestic Israeli battle, while at the same time realizing they have lost the Ukraine proxy war. Their time for desperate measures had come – and for that reason, I believe, THEY unleashed Hamas on Israel. (Netanyahu may or may not be complicit, but it’s too soon to tell.) And when, not if, the true Jews build the Third Temple, these globalists will somehow wrest control of it from them and install their own man – Satan’s man – in that place.
So, yes, Israel clearly is in a multi-front war, but the central and most consequential front is the civil war the media is not covering.
Yes, WND really does want you to think that Obama is the Antichrist.
For his Jan. 12 column, he latched onto the conspiracy theory that Obama is using President Biden as his puppet and that Michelle Obama will run as his new puppet:
Talk is heating up again about “Big Mike” Obama being the Democrats’ choice to replace Joey the Scapegoat when they finally pull the plug on his sham presidency. Arguments against that possibility always seem to focus on Michelle’s glaring lack of qualifications, but they miss the point that that IS the point – everyone will know that it’s all a charade to put Barack back in the White House (in person this time and not via his drooling avatar, Joe.) It also won’t hurt “her” chances among the Groomer generation of Dem voters that the Joan Rivers “curse” still casts transgender shade on the former first lady. BUT her true role in 2024 would be as Barack’s shoehorn past the Constitution – and the more obvious that strategy is, the better the Dem turnout will be (the actual turnout, not the true blue cemetery vote that’s always 100%).
If they were to be honest in their political ads (ha!), they’d come right out and say it: “A vote for Michelle is a vote for Barack, the only Democrat with a realistic chance of beating Donald Trump.”
I’ve always recognized that Joe Biden was Obama’s puppet, moved into front-runner status as the best of bad options after Trump creamed the entire field of Dem primary candidates in February of 2020, including the designated winner, Pocahontas Warren. I predicted Biden would get the nomination just a few hours after the Democratic Primary debacle that blatantly cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination – for the second time! – the first time in 2016 triggering Bernie-Bot Seth Rich to give the establishment Dem secrets to Wikileaks, which led to his assassination, presumably by the Clintons.
Yes, Lively somehow worked Seth Rich conspiracy theories into his column as well, which also meshes with WND orthodoxy. After rehashing all his previous Obama conspiracy theories, Lively concluded with more conspiracy-mongering:
Now that we’ve turned the corner into 2024, I’m carrying all the factors in my past analyses forward and acknowledging that the most likely scenario for getting Barack Obama physically back into the White House is a Michelle Obama candidacy. The other scenarios are not dead, just slightly diminished in probability.
However, it just might be that the Michelle run is being floated as a fall-back plan to the end-run-past-the-22nd-Amendment scenario. If they stroked out Biden long enough before the Primary, they would have time to politically recover if the Supreme Court blocked Obama from replacing Biden directly. And, frankly, that lawfare effort could actually bolster the fall-back plan by making the Michelle campaign a more obvious work-around to put Barack back in de facto power.
One way or another, the elites are going to do whatever it takes to prevent Trump from getting back into the White House. But just as important to them, is that Barack Obama remains the head of the deep-state snake. Time will soon tell what God will allow as a result of this cultural war, but one thing is certain: The process is going to be intense for this nation, perhaps more than at any time since the Revolution that birthed us.
Oooh, deep state! Mark that one on your right-wing conspiracy bingo card, which we assume Lively already has.
Proud conspiracy theorist
Lively has always been a proud conspiracy theorist, and he defended being one yet again in his Jan. 22 column:
It may only be that I’m proving the old saying that fools rush in where angels fear to tread, but I am one of the rare few who don’t shun the label “conspiracy theorist.” Conspiring with others to serve mutual self-interest comes about as easily to human beings as breathing – as any criminal court docket in America will show – and experience has shown that the more rich and powerful a person is, the more likely he or she is to try to secretly control the outcome of things in business, politics, religion … heck, any area of human endeavor. If conspiracy is happening all around us all the time, even in the lower strata of society where people have fewer ways and means to get what they want, it stands to reason it’s a major league sport among the elites.
What’s actually bizarre and unnatural is the social stigma against theorizing about conspiracies. Where did THAT come from? The only people who benefit from that are those very same elite conspirators whose worst nightmare is public scrutiny that pokes holes in “official narratives.”
Lively then touted a few of those conspiracy theories:
And so, in the interest of public service – and in self-defense to the potential charge I’m just an angel-jumping fool – I’d like to update you on a couple of my own pet conspiracy theories that have recently been bolstered by news reports, and add a new one to my list.
1. A leading purpose of the massive invasion of military age men across our southern border is to feed a planned military draft to fight America’s (impending) next big war. I first went public with this conspiracy theory in early May of An Alternate Theory on Open Borders.” I followed in it July 2023 with my article “Milestones on the March to WWIII” when the first solid evidence for it emerged in the news.
Two months later, ZeroHedge did a piece citing more evidence.
And then starting in October of 2023, the corporate media (an arm of the Deep State) started actively dismissing the draft as a possibility in carefully scripted terms, which, to me, bolsters its likelihood.
That “corporate media” item to which Lively is referring is an Associated Press fact-check demolishing the idea that a military draft is in the works. Of course, to a conspiracy theorist like Lively, a denial merely equals more proof of his theory. Lively continued:
2. Vulture capitalist tactics in service to China are in play on the west coast. This conspiracy is a little more on the wild side, and I can’t pin down exactly when I first went public with it other than to say it was in off-the-cuff comments in one or more of my 2020 Prophecy and Politics live-stream shows about BLM/Antifa rioting.
Nothing better describes Democrat rule in the deepest blue cities than the phrase “government by organized crime.” It struck me that what was (and still is) happening in San Francisco, Portland and Seattle looked a lot like the (allegedly) deliberate property devaluation tactics I had seen in Boston (in my home state of Massachusetts) where corrupt Democrat officials seemed to intentionally cluster social services such as methadone clinics and homeless shelters in select neighborhoods that were lusted after by vulture capitalist co-conspirators. After businesses and the middle-class residents fled, property values bottomed out and the vultures swept in, assisted by pot-sweetening “enterprise zone” tax incentives. All the crooks on both sides of the private/public partnership got richer.
He offered no proof whatsoever that any of this is happening. Nevertheless, he persisted:
3. Hidden technologies are behind the switch from fossil fuels to electric batteries. The more I study the history of geo-politics, the more I realize that very few things the common people believe to be sudden or spontaneous technological or social developments actually are what they seem. Sometimes even true or partially true conspiracy theories that arise about these changes are part of the cover story.
Case in point is the theory that the globalist “climate change” doctrine is a purely fabricated political pretext for establishing and justifying a centralized one-world government. I think that IS true as regards to global government, but I think it’s partially a smokescreen when it comes to the transition to electric batteries, whose justification is falsely and deceptively linked to climate change doctrine, to hide the true plan and agenda.
What I mean by that is the top-strata elites who really run the show have no intention of powering this change with costly and dangerous lithium batteries over the long term, but already have technology in the works that will only be introduced once the electric battery infrastructure is fully in place and the shocks to the “fossil fuel” economy have been mitigated by years of collective psychological preparation and jobs re-training. Their true agenda is profit, and lots of it.
Of course, he has no real proof of this, which he does effectively concede:
The only real evidence I have for this (besides my gut instinct) is a story I first saw today about the Chinese development of purportedly very safe and virtually perpetual nuclear batteries the size of a coin, strong enough to power a cell phone for 50 years, that can be strung together in series to increase their potency. To me this seems perhaps the biggest technology news of my lifetime, being presented almost as a news sidebar – a curiosity rather than a global game changer (and a potential cash cow for China) that could allow Xi’s outlay for the “purchase” of our west coast cities to seem mere “chump change.”
I had privately hypothesized that the advanced technology being hidden by the elites related to nuclear fusion, but now I think they’ve decided to reveal their actual hand and this is it. Time will tell. Until then, it’s just another conspiracy theory you can entertain or dismiss as you please.
Yes, Lively can be safely dismissed, but it is entertaining that he’s so bizarrely proud to be a conspiracy theorist.
Racist conspiracy theory
Scott Lively started out a November 2023 WorldNetDaily column with a little racist ranting:
In my last column, “Why the Palestinians refuse to civilize,” I put the Israel/Hamas conflict in its proper perspective as the inevitable fruit of cultural Marxism’s division of all humanity into oppressors and the oppressed, with the Palestinians achieving the collective status of “most oppressed” after decades of painful and careful cultivation of that image and, thus far, winning the all-important propaganda war among the brainwashed American policy-setters with its grand prize of the right to punish and plunder their “oppressors” without limit. Today I am coining the term “Oppression Theology” to define this phenomenon more precisely as as form of Secular Humanist religious dogma and show how it functions domestically.
Sunday here in Memphis my day started with breaking news – delivered right to my cellphone in the form of a “bolo” emergency alert – that an armed and very dangerous mass murderer was on a rampage, with three killing sites already behind him. We later learned that it was a family affair, and the multiple victims were the man’s relatives by blood and marriage. He was an African-American man, as are (vastly disproportional to their numbers as a minority) a high plurality if not strictly the majority of excessively violent criminals in Memphis and frankly all the deep blue cities. It’s strictly verboten to point this out, but we all know it’s true.
Lively offered no evidence of how we all supposedly “know it’s true.” He continued ranting anyway:
The problem with inner-city African-Americans isn’t the “African” part as so many racist-types insist, but the “American” part, because America’s Africans have been stewed and steeped in the “victim/plunder” marinade of Cultural Marxist “Oppression Theology” more than any other faction of our “multicultural” society. (After multiple African missions, I know the African-Africans are not naturally like that.) The poisonous “critical race theory” being forced upon America’s schoolchildren emphasizes a “white privilege” narrative painting all whites as inherently oppressive regardless of their overt actions and paints all blacks as inherently oppressed regardless of their personal successes.
This has, of course, created a de facto victim-based “black privilege” in our society – including both 1) the right to plunder the assets of the oppressors in the form of presumed eventual high-dollar reparations (with increasingly widespread shoplifting and looting considered by many just a deserved advance against future payments), and 2) the right to disregard any aspects of the law and customs of the oppressor’s society with impunity (including most obviously here in Memphis the traffic laws). These problems are compounded wherever the Soros machine has installed its agents in the criminal justice system: “Justice” is simply redefined to serve the social goals of “Oppression Theology,” which means no prosecution, no punishment and, sadly, no protection for black neighborhoods from home-grown thuggery.
Sounds like a guy who misses the days when white people had all the privilege. He then tried to work gay people into his conspiracy theory:
The next most victimization-empowered class of Americans are the “gays” whose spokesman “Michael Swift” explained the victim-plunder mentality most eloquently in his classic essay “The Gay Revolutionary” (which Congressman Bill Dannemeyer read into the Congressional Record back in 1987.)
“This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor. We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses. … Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. … The family unit – spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence – will be abolished. … All churches who condemn us will be closed.”
There are an additional 15 paragraphs here, if you have the stomach for it, ending with this: “We shall be victorious because we are fueled with the ferocious bitterness of the oppressedwho have been forced to play seemingly bit parts in your dumb, heterosexual shows throughout the ages. We too are capable of firing guns and manning the barricades of the ultimate revolution. Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks.” This essay was called “satire” at the time, but history proves it was deadly serious – even a blueprint for “gay” victim/plunderers. [Emphasis added]
In fact, the essay was satire then and now, as the “Michael Swift” byline should denote (an allusion to Jonathan Swift of “A Modest Proposal” fame). The essay was a reaction to homophobes like Lively, who nevertheless unironically treat the satire with utmost seriousness — though he doesn’t explain why oppressed people, as gay people were in the 1980s, have no right to be bitter and should just take their oppression in stride.
Lively concluded by trying to tie this all together with Marxism, somehow:
Black Lives Matter is a joint venture of elite-controlled blacks and “gays,” run by a pair of black openly Marxist lesbians. As I’ve always said, “The lives of black people matter very much but ‘Black Lives Matter’ is an evil Marxist cult whose far-left agenda destroys black families and their neighborhoods.”
Importantly, all these victim/plunder armies are tools controlled by a globalist social-engineering elite with a heavy emphasis on breaking stalwartly self-reliant Judeo-Christian America as the necessary prerequisite to global Marxist government. I was onto BLM as an agent provocateur in this plan all the way back in 2014 as I explained in my article “Bad Moon on the Rise: Bill Cosby, Ferguson and Obama.” I bolstered my case in “The Cosby Conspiracy” in 2021 with additional evidence.
Look around, America. What is the common denominator on display among all these forces breaking America down? It is, as Swift admitted, “the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed” – the fruit of Cultural Marxist religious fanaticism. We must accept this is spiritual warfare and act accordingly.
Both of those columns float the conspiracy that Cosby’s history of sexual assault was exposed — or in Lively’s words, “was being deliberately taken down by Obama” — because he spoke out against violence after the police-caused death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.
Lively vs. Throckmorton
Lively began his April 15 column by complaining that Mike Pence “caved to pressure from the LGBTs and killed strong and needed legislation designed to protect Christian businesses from attack by homosexual activists who use state and local anti-discrimination laws as an offensive weapon rather than the defensive shield they were sold to the public as.” He ultimately complained that Pence had been hired as a “distinguished visiting fellow” by Grove City College, a Christian school. In between, Lively went on a rant about an instructor at the college:
So what was Pence’s reward for giving so much to the globalist cause? A plum posting to a lucrative A-list NGO, foundation, corporate board or Ivy League university? LOL. No! He was shunted off to puny, pedestrian Grove City College, most famous in pro-family circles as the Christian college that employed fellow “gay pandering” turncoat Warren Throckmorton as a psychology professor.
Some of my longer-term readers may recall that Throckmorton was the snake-in-the-grass who single-handedly launched the decade-long campaign of personal destruction against me that culminated in the federal lawsuit accusing me of “crimes against humanity” for teaching the biblical view of homosexuality in Uganda. I did so at a Kampala seminar in early March of 2009, and also gave comments to Ugandan members of parliament in their National Assembly Hall, urging them to focus not on punishment but on prevention and rehabilitation in their planned but as of then unwritten legislation opposing the normalization of homosexuality. I cited my own personal experience of choosing rehab instead of going to jail for a drunk-driving conviction. (Legally speaking, I consider alcoholism and homosexuality to be roughly equivalent behavioral disorders.)
Immediately following my comments, while I was still in Kampala, Throckmorton launched a surprise attack against me, falsely claiming I was pushing for forced therapy for homosexuals. I was utterly shocked, because even though I had not met him personally, I considered him to be a pro-family peer. He had put out an exceptional video for the ex-“gay” movement titled “I Do Exist” and was well respected in pro-family circles. But apparently, the LGBTs found some dirt on him or otherwise managed to flip him because his knife-stab in my back was only the first in a new mission to attack any Christians who threatened the LGBT cause. I was further shocked when, upon confronting him by phone, he defended his actions and doubled-down on them. He created an entire section on his website devoted to attacks upon me.
I was only one of several, including the eminent Christian historian David Barton, who had recently stoked Throckmorton’s ire by venturing onto the pro-family battlefield with some strong pro-family comments. Upon reading an article about Barton’s publisher suddenly canceling the publication of his book “Jefferson Lies” (refuting lies about Jefferson), I noticed an awfully familiar pattern in the discussion about how the cancellation came about. I called Barton and pieced together that, yes indeed, Throckmorton had orchestrated the attack. I then wrote two articles in Barton’s defense.
Note that Lively doesn’t actually deny that he was in favor of “forced therapy for homosexuals,” and it’s laughable that he’s portraying himself as a voice of reason in Uganda because he opposed “punishment” for not being heterosexual — if he was really moderate, he would have opposed the law altogether. He provided no evidence that “the LGBTs found some dirt on” Throckmorton that made him “flip”; he failed to consider the possibility that, unlike Lively, Throckmorton has decided to honor the basic humanity of LGBT people and that they should not be thrown into the criminal justice system simply for being who they are.
It’s also interesting that Lively immediately took Barton’s side in the controversy about his book with no serious attempt at examining the claims Throckmorton made that debunk the book. In one of the articles he wrote in defense of Barton, Lively insisted that because Barton “uses a polemical style,” it’s “highly unfair to gather a panel of academics to sit in judgment on his book because first, it is only one side of a two-sided argument that should be taken together, and second, academics are trained against using a polemical style in the approach to history and are thus (as a class, though there are exceptions) professionally biased against it.” It’s also worth noting that WND republished Barton’s book after some light editing.
Lively concluded with one final rant at the school:
If, as they say, “personnel is policy,” GCC has just made itself a Never Trumper sinking ship, on top of having been a sanctuary for a Bible-defying pro-LGBT saboteur. If I were a parent of college-bound teens, I’d cross this twice-failed “college of Christian compromise” off my list and keep them as far away from the traitor Mike Pence as possible.
Yes, Lively thinks that not hating LGBT people as much as he does and exposing false claims made in a discredited history book makes one a “saboteur.”