The MRC’s Year Of Irrational Transphobia
The Media Research Center spent 2024 raging at transgender people -- and when chief transphobe Tierin-Rose Mandelburg left midyear, other MRC writers stepped in to pick up the slack.
The Media Research Center spent a good part of 2023 being angry that other people don’t viciously hate transgender people as much as it does, on top of its usual rage over Pride Month. That anger was carried through the following year, setting up the entirety of 2024 to keep spewing that same hate.
Chief transphobe Tierin-Rose Mandelburg — who left the MRC in mid-2024 — was the leader in this for the first half of the year, and she had a particular anger at transgender children being allowed to get an education. In November 2023, Mandelburg freaked out over the possibility of an all-girls Catholic school admitting transgender students, ranting about the “woke mob” (whatever that is) and claiming without evidence that transgender students are sexual predators: “Many women attend Catholic all-girls schools to remain focused on their academics and further their relationship with God. But now, at Saint Mary’s College, not only will that be more difficult for women as they’ll not just be in the presence of like-minded ladies, but they’ll also be unsafe.” She also pretended to be a Bible scholar, claiming that “you can’t be Catholic and transgender. Living as a gender other than the one you were born with is antithetical to the Bible’s teachings.” When the school decided to block transgender students after all the following month, Mandelburg cheered, “Praise God that the decision was reversed – but honestly, it shouldn’t have ever been a decision in the first place.”
Mandelburg spent a Jan. 23 post freaking out over counter-protesters at the anti-abortion March for Life, portraying anyone who’s not as far-right as she is as suffering from “moral degeneracy”:
The left didn’t stop their aggression towards children with babies. This week’s episode featured many of the left’s attempts to indoctrinate kids.
One LGBTQ activist insisted she wanted to turn kids trans. Though she seemed to be sarcastic, it is what the left really loves to do!
A first grade teacher bragged about a book that featured a nonbinary rodent who uses they/them pronouns and another book that was sold at a toy store called “Lesbian Brothels.”
We saw a he/she explain ways to “tuck,” giving visual examples on how a female identifying male would “tuck” his penis to hide the bulge when getting dressed.
This kind of mental confusion leads up to the last few clips where boys took part in womanface. Whether it was the excessive makeup, the mini dresses or the dramatic hand gestures, their videos are insulting to real women.
All in all, if you haven’t started praying for the left to get a grip on reality, now might be a great time to start.
The MRC has ween waging war on swimmer Lia Thomas for years, and Mandelburg kept up the hate in a Jan. 26 post:
Despite basically the whole world telling transgender swimmer Lia Thomas that he has no place in women’s sports, he’s been fighting a legal battle for months in an attempt to change the rules for men who believe they’re women, with goals set on the 2024 Paris Olympics, The Telegraph reported.
Seriously, when is this dude going to stop?
For those who don’t know, Lia – whose birth name is William – Thomas swam and “won” a Division 1 title at the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) swim meet in March of 2022, where he competed against biological women. Later that year, World Aquatics decided that due to the fact that Thomas had a clear physical advantage over actual women (you know, since “she’s” a dude) that he was barred from competing as a woman.
World Aquatics bans trans women from competing as women if they’ve undergone “any part of male puberty” and now has an “open” category for swimmers like Thomas who like to live in a delusional sense of identity.
Mandelburg served up more performative outrage over another transgender child seeking an education in a Jan. 29 post:
The words “trans” and “four-year-old” should never ever be in the same sentence.
The Church of England’s primary school admitted a “transgender” child to its classes when the child was just four years old. Parents of the child have allowed and encouraged him to live life as a girl despite his biologically male identity and now, three years later, word is spreading.
According to a report by The Telegraph, the child’s biological sex was hidden from classmates but the administrative staff and teachers, and the parents (obviously, since they did this), were in the know. The child joined at age four and was admitted as a little girl.
Everyone was keeping the little boy’s secret until one of his friends, an actual little girl, found out her friend was actually a boy. The real little girl ended up suffering from stress-induced insomnia and constipation, her mother said, as well as having spurts of not talking or listening to the radio and episodes of hiding under tables.
All signs point to the fact that the little girl was suffering emotionally.
Mandelburg, meanwhile, is totally cool with the transgender child suffering emotionally, while even though she is pretending otherwise: “Now, I want to be clear that I honestly do feel bad for the ‘transgender child.’ He should’ve never been allowed and encouraged to go down a route like this in the first place. But it’s 2024, and apparently the left thinks four-year-olds who can’t even tie their shoes can pick their own gender.”
Oh, please. Nobody believes that Mandelburg feels any sympathy for any transgender person — only hate and scorn and a wish that they end up in hell.
Mandelburg used a Feb. 2 post to hype a video promoted by her fellow online transphobes claiming to show a child that “cries out in pain” from receiving a shot of puberty blockers, hyping a claim that the video shows “pure evil.” But it wasn’t until the 14th paragraph that Mandelburg noted part of the truth: the video was clipped from a 2012 NBC segment on the child’s transition. Further, as the Advocate reported, the video was taken out of context; the child’s reaction in the video stems from a common childhood fear of needles, not a reaction to the treatment.
A couple days later, Mandelburg promoted more narrative-friendly reporting, this time from an unlikely source:
Leave it to the New York Times to come out with what they think is riveting and groundbreaking content years after we came to the same conclusion.
The leftist opinion section at the Times posted a piece Friday talking about detransitioning. The piece titled, “As Kids, They Thought They Were Trans. They No Longer Do,” has garnered many on social media to say we told you so.
The opinion piece, written by their former Book Review editor Pamela Paul, tells the heartbreaking stories of how children were abused and neglected rather than nurtured which led to their transition and now, years later, their regret.
But as the Advocate also reported, the Times article contains numerous factual errors and presented dubious claims as sound science.
Mandelburg gushed in a Feb. 9 post:
Hate to say we told you so, but…
The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) just released a statement regarding transgender children. The Florida based group declared that, after extensive research, giving children gender affirming “care” has absolutely no benefits on the well-being of the child.
Say it a little louder for the people in the back.
Dr. Jane Anderson, Vice President of ACPeds and lead author of the recent piece added a call to action for parents and medical professionals.
“We urge medical professionals and parents to affirm the truth about childhood gender dysphoria in the presence of harmful thoughts and address the underlying mental illness, adverse events, and family dysfunction,” she said.
This group genuinely seeks the well-being of kids. Let’s hope the left, who seems to think they do the same, adopts this line of thinking and halts the mass destruction of young people’s healthy and able bodies.
Actually, ACPeds doesn’t really care about “the well-being of kids” — it’s a virulently anti-LGBT group who got caught manufacturing “evidence”junk science” attacking LGBT people to help its fellow right-wingers at groups like the Alliance Defending Freedom justify pushing anti-LGBT activism.
Mandelburg spent a Feb. 16 post ranting that a Catholic church permitted a funeral service for an icky transgender person:
On Thursday, New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral hosted a funeral for a transgender prostitute and self-proclaimed atheist Cecilia Gentili. Over 1,000 people gathered at the Catholic church to mourn the loss of the trannie who, according to the reverend running the service, “died with Christ.”
Oscar Diaz, who calls Gentili his mother, had the congregation decorated in red carnations and roses to give Gentili his “sainthood,” as Time Magazine reported.
St. Patrick’s Cathedral previously held services for notable public figures like Celia Cruz, Babe Ruth and Andy Warhol, but this is the first service to honor a transgender person – someone who didn’t believe in God, much less one who practiced the Catholic faith.
Gentili, a man who believed himself a woman, came to the United States in 2004 as an illegal immigrant. As Time Magazine wrote, “she turned to sex work and developed a drug addiction before being granted asylum eight years later.” Gentili then advocated for sex workers like himself to get healthcare, because being a prostitute merits free gifts like health coverage…apparently.
Though the cause of Gentili’s death hasn’t been named yet, I’m willing to make an educated guess – since he/she spent so much of his life fighting for sex workers before dying at only 52 years old.
St. Patrick’s Cathedral admitted that it does its best to accommodate funeral requests from Catholic individuals. The church itself, though nestled nearby many gay-friendly Catholic parishes, does not admit to supporting that anti-Christlike lifestyle.
Spewing such vicious judgmental hate is not very Christ-like either, but Mandelburg ranted anyway: “This is a complete mockery of the Christian faith and is a major indicator of the destruction of morals and the attack on religion in America.”
Mandelburg spewed even more hate in a March 8 post ranting that transgender women are taking part in International Women’s Day:
Every freakin’ year I hope and pray that International Women’s Day will be a day where real, biological women, come together to celebrate the advancements and accomplishments women have made throughout the years and every freakin’ year I am disappointed that fake women try to get in on the action too.
March 8 marks International Women’s Day and, as you can probably imagine, the day is no longer just celebrated by women but by transgender women (men), too. This year, social media provided a smorgasbord of celebratory posts from girls, fake girls and everyone in between.
It’s rather disheartening to see that one day meant to celebrate real, biological women is being flooded by fake women. Hopefully, during International Women’s Day 2025 we stop celebrating lunacy and delusion like transgenderism and start celebrating actual women for once.
We’re not disheartened that Mandelburg continues to spew anti-transgender hate, because we know the MRC paid her very well to subsidize that hate.
Mandelburg’s hate continues
Mandelburg touted her weekly “Woke of the Week” rant — dedicated to spewing hate at transgender people, plus a revival of her employer’s war on Dylan Mulvaney — in a March 12 post:
This week we talked about how March is Women’s History Month. While we celebrate by thinking about leading ladies who fought for equality for females, the left is using the month to celebrate and honor fake women, especially the trannies and non binaries of the world who live with a delusional sense of identity.
A featured clip shows Lady Gaga and none other than professional toddler and wanna-be girl, Dylan Mulvaney. Gaga used Mulvaney, a man, to promote her makeup brand and celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8.
We also heard from some Drag Queen freak who lamented about transgender people feeling alone. He specifically called on young queers and let them know that he loves them.
Trans people literally get so many holidays and days celebrating their delusions. Whether it’s Trans Awareness Week or month, Transgender Day of Remembrance, Trans Day of visibility or any of the other made up holidays, they simply don’t deserve to also claim Women’s History Month as their own. End of story.
Mandelburg continued melting down over Mulvaney in her March 19 video:
This week, we were insulted by what transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney thought girlhood was all about. He released a song that equated the meaning of being a girl to popping pills, wearing mini skirts, taking bubble baths, shopping and having one-night stands.
While it’s clear to see how this is NOT what girlhood is about and that Mulvaney is NOT a girl, users online played defense trying to stand up for him.
One tranny insisted that critiques on Mulvaney’s song were just bullying from transphobes. Another insisted that women can’t relate to Mulvaney’s song not because he’s trans but because Mulvaney is rich and white.
No. The video isn’t relatable, because it’s a mockery of women and is so far from the truth.
Mandelburg didn’t admit that she’s one of those bullying transphobes. She went on to viciously smear parents of transgender youth as child abusers in an April 1 post:
This is the absolute furthest thing from what’s in the best interest of kids.
On Friday, just two days before the left obnoxiously celebrated Transgender Day of Visibility instead of Easter, a Texas appeals court upheld a lower court’s injunction blocking the state from investigating parents who help their kids transition with “gender-affirming care.”
The decision is contrary to Governor Greg Abbot’s plea to stop these procedures and hold parents accountable for abusing their kids.
Back in February 2022, Abbott ordered Texas Department of Family Protective Services (DFPS) to “carry out child abuse investigations into families whose children were receiving puberty-blocking treatments,” U.S. News reported. Shortly after, a lower court imposed an injunction to block Abbott’s move insisting that “the probes endangered children and their families.”
Now, more than two years later, the appeals court in Austin, Tex., agreed with that lower court and insisted that parents who abuse their children via puberty-blockers, cross-sex hormones and gender mutilation surgeries shouldn’t be investigated for child abuse.
The lower court, back in 2022 insisted that Abbott’s care for children and their well-being could cause “irreparable injury” to families.
If you want to talk about “irreparable injury,” look at the irreversible, risky and life threatening procedures and surgeries the left likes putting kids through in order to affirm a delusional sense of identity. That’s the definition of “irreparable injury!”
We thought right-wingers like Mandelburg believed that parents knew what was best for their children and should never be questioned on those decisions.
Tim Graham served up his own brand of transphobia in an April 11 post: “PBS NewsHour may have some sort of quota to meet for the number of supportive stories they must file for the transgender lobby. On April 4, they touted a new documentary available on Amazon Prime and Apple TV under the headline “Documentary captures journalist’s gender transition while embedded with Taliban.” Does the MRC has to meet some kind of quota for the number of posts it must file to serve the transphobia lobby?
Mandenburg spent a May 13 post raging that Planet Fitness doesn’t hate transgender people enough:
Earlier this year, Planet Fitness came under fire after numerous reports of transgender women in the women’s locker rooms or bathrooms surfaced across the nation. On Monday, word spread that the company, begging for members, announced a new campaign that would give teenagers free summer passes.
Great, now the gym giant wants kids to be subject of the transgender freaks in the bathrooms!
Even still, Planet Fitness has remained firm in its commitment to the delusions of trans people and insists that anyone can use any bathroom that they feel matches their gender identity, even if it means that creepy old men will share spaces with young girls.
It’s no wonder the gym is begging for new clients and marketing their membership to teens who are unlikely to either know about these trans policies or too naive to recognize the repercussions they could hold.
Mandelburg didn’t mention that numerous Planet Fitness locations received bomb threats after her fellow right-wingers hyped these stories. We presume she approves of these violent threats. She even went on to rage against a celebrity in a May 30 post for refusing to hate transgender people as much as she does by doing a Planet Fitness promo:
This week country singer Tim McGraw partnered up with Planet Fitness for a promotional advertisement. Given that Planet Fitness is overtly pro-trans women changing in ladies’ locker rooms in front of young girls, McGraw was roasted for the partnership.
The country star even blocked Libs of TikTok after they called him out for the move.
Planet Fitness has an agenda. It stood by its policy of allowing men into ladies’ spaces and even invited and encouraged young teenagers to get memberships, too. Because the left wants to drive a wedge between parents and their kids, and this is just one of the ways they’re attempting to do that. Get kids into the gym for FREE, and then tell them that men in the women’s restroom is not only acceptable, but normal.
While McGraw and his team likely flipped out, considering how cancel culture is a huge threat for these self-absorbed swines, I’m afraid his reputation may be on the line. Even though they moved quick, social media and screenshots moved quicker.
McGraw’s stance on companies that support wokeness and grooming, like Planet Fitness does, is already out there. Time will tell how this affects him!
We thought right-wingers opposed cancel culture — apparently not. Oh, and she still refused to denounce the bomb threats, which tells us she believes violence is an acceptable tool in the right-wing anti-LGBTQ agenda.
Picking up the slack
After Mandelburg left, it was left to others at the MRC to pick up the transphobic slack. Tim Graham whined about a transgender minister in an Oct. 6 post:
On CBS Mornings, contributor Lisa Ling (a former cast member of The View) self-identifies as a “die-hard feminist,” which CBS thinks is a great reason to assign her stories on “The State of Spirituality.” In September, Ling championed the notion of female priests in the Catholic Church, and on Thursday, Ling promoted a “transgender man” who’s a pastor in Hollywood for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Co-host Tony Dokoupil set the tone in a tease: “Coming up, Lisa Ling talks spirituality with a pastor trying to expand inclusivity in the Christian church.”
Dokoupil later introduced the segment: “Many traditional religions are trying to make progress toward being more inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community. But for some groups, it’s been a very slow journey on that front. Today, Lisa introduces us to a pastor in California who wouldn’t be welcome to preach in many American churches.”
Those troglodytes who “still” hold to what the Bible teaches were not interviewed for this story. But they are brought up as hateful people who believe the Bible isn’t outdated.
Graham went on to whine that conservatives were (accurately) portrayed as hateful transphobes:
The God of the Bible wasn’t “compassionate” or “inclusive.” But God has apparently become wiser and more compassionate for our modern times, because Stever claims God encouraged his “transition.”
The opponent isn’t conservative views, it’s just “hate,” whether it’s online messages or in-person vandalism. Ling concluded: “Pastor Drew has had a pride flag hanging outside of Hope Lutheran. And shortly after we filmed there, someone ripped down the flag and damaged it. The flag, though, is back up. And he told us he is, quote, “not deterred by one person’s small worldview.” Or, as Ling confessed, “still the majority of Christians.”
We assume Graham approved of that pride flag being ripped down.
The same day, Brad Wilmouth groused that a CNN interviewer failed to hate a transgender politician in Tennessee. When thte host pointed out that “more than 220 laws have been introduced this year, most — a lot of them specifically targeting transgender people,” Wilmouth huffed: “Any opposition to LGBTQ is ‘targeting.'” He offered no evidence that it isn’t.
Mandelburg’s replacement on the transphobia front, Justine Brooke Murray, spewed hate at a child in an Oct. 17 post:
CBS is turning more Orwellian by the day.
Last month, the network reprimanded their own journalist for being a journalist. This week, they’re re-defining gender.
To celebrate “Trans Empowerment Month,” “CBS Mornings” invited leaders of the “support” group, “Stand with Trans” on their show to air their gender delusions.
The group’s founder is a mother who transitioned her 13-year-old biological daughter. Joining her on the panel was her “non-binary” “trans-empowerment month program coordinator.”
The program’s trio of hosts began their segment by asking the mother, Roz Keith, “what” she was “looking for back then” in 2013, when her daughter “came out as transgender.”
“Some validation for me as a parent,” admitted Keith. That’s where the trouble always begins.
To “validate” herself, she therefore validated her daughter’s identity crisis.
After “hitting a brick wall” calling up medical professionals who all thought she was crazy, Keith said she had finally found a “doctor” who agreed to Frankenstein her daughter, what CBS host Vladimir Duthiers described as “gender affirming care.”
Murray then huffed that “nonbinary trans person” Dubbs Weinblatt was allowed to have an opinion and speak her truth:
She complained she grew up in the 1980’s where there were “no resources,” meaning adults weren’t forced yet to go along with the delusions of the mentally ill.
Now, 40 years later, Weinblatt’s distortion of reality landed her a prime TV spot with three virtue-signaling hosts tripping over themselves to praise her.
Nodding along was co-host Tony Dokoupil, fresh out of the re-education session CBS recently forced him to attend. It seems he learned his lesson not to ask any questions, after the network punished him for questioning a Hamas supporter in September.
Isn’t it also a sign of delusion when you assume that anyone who doesn’t adhere to your narrow and dogmatic political views is mentally ill? And that reporting the news is “Orwellian”?
Alex Christy spent an Oct. 18 post denying that right-wing transphobia exist, let alone that it may have harmful real-world consequences:
Comedy Central’s The Daily Show took its outrage at Republicans to another level on Thursday as it welcomed Laverne Cox to the show to rant at the GOP and “its transphobia,” which included the accusation that the party’s $65 million ad campaign is contributing to transgender people committing suicide.
After a clip of a Georgia man claiming he had “no hard data” on how many males are trying to compete in female sports, Cox claimed, “Hmm. No hard data? Oh, that’s okay, hon, I understand. I’m sure that not having anything hard is something you’re used to.”
There are real headlines from the real world documenting this issue. Networks like MSNBC even promote it as a positive thing. Speaking of MSNBC, Cox then set up a montage, “And as the election gets closer, the Republican Party is going all in on its transphobia.”
In the first clip, Ayman Mohyeldin reported, “Since the beginning of August, Republicans have spent more than $65 million on ads focusing on transgender issues in over a dozen states.”
The Daily Show then played snippets of five GOP ads, the last of which was a Trump ad where the narrator claims “Kamala’s for they/them. President Trump is for you.”
After it was pointed out that Republicans spent millions of dollars on anti-trans ads, Christy huffed:
Over the past few months there has been a lot of discussion about inflammatory rhetoric, but for the left-wing media, claiming pro-lifers are going to kill women or Republicans are responsible for transgender suicides is just another talking point. The answers to when life begins or what constitutes womanhood doesn’t matter to them.
Why does Christy assume that anyone who doesn’t hate transgender people as viciously as he does must be “left-wing”? And why is Christy portraying transphobic hate as a positive thing?
Christy spent a Nov. 13 post insisting that being transgender is a “ideology”:
Comedian Wanda Sykes traveled to ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Tuesday to demand that Donald Trump and Republicans “shut up” and “relax” about transgender ideology being pushed on children.
Kimmel set the table by wondering, “Of all the things Trump, like, latched on to and used during this campaign, which puzzled you? What thing puzzled you the most? I don’t even necessarily want to call them issues.”
After Sykes called out Trump’s lie that “your son goes to school as a boy, comes home a girl” and argued that it was more about wearing a “man bun,” Christy huffed: “No, it’s not just a man bun, it is several thousand school districts have a policy of hiding information from parents about how their child is identifying and scientists seeking to politicize their studies.” He refused to admit that Trump was lying.
Christy concluded with more whining: “Sykes and Kimmel have apparently learned nothing from the election. The American people do not want more left-wing culture warring and racial identity politics, but some people will never learn.” Christy wouldn’t say whether right-wing culture warring and racial identity politics are covered.
Graham used his Nov. 20 column to hype the alleged dire threat of transgender athletes by citing … an event from two years ago:
Last month, ABC anchor Martha Raddatz was mocked by J.D. Vance when she tried to minimize the threat of gangs in Colorado taking over apartment buildings by force. “The incidents were limited to a handful of apartment complexes,” she said. It’s too bad for you if you lived in one of those buildings. Vance asked “Do you hear yourself?”
That’s echoing now on biological males invading women’s sports. On his HBO soapbox Last Week Tonight, British comedian/activist John Oliver expressed disgust that Kamala Harris couldn’t rebut Donald Trump on this.
“There are vanishingly few trans girls competing in high schools anywhere,” Oliver claimed. “Even if there were more, trans kids, like all kids, vary in athletic ability and there is no evidence they pose any threat to safety or fairness.”
Out came the “no evidence” argument, which is simply overstated. You can easily find evidence, like 17-year-old volleyball player Payton McNabb getting injured in the head and neck and suffering partial paralysis after getting spiked in the face by a man in 2022. But Oliver dismissed her and her side. “It’s very weird for you to be so focused on the subject,” he said as he focused on the subject.
Graham then raged that MSNBC’s Jen Psaki also brought up the issue:
Psaki mocked the red states who passed bans on boys in girls’ sports since they could only find one in Utah and one in South Dakota. She may have a point, since it’s in blue states where this is all the rage, and the blue states wouldn’t dare offend the LGBTQ forces. The social contagion of transgenderism is at odds with the notion that the number is “vanishingly few.’
Oliver and Psaki are mad that this was a losing issue for Democrats. A survey from the University of Chicago found that 65% of Americans said transgender athletes should never or rarely be allowed to compete in sports leagues that don’t match their biological sex. The election seems to have underlined it.
“Trump and the Republicans have managed to amplify their bad-faith attacks to the point where people do have concerns, as misguided and misinformed though those concerns may be,” Psaki claimed. On the Left, any challenge to transgender orthodoxy is considered a “bad faith attack.” You’re “misinformed” if you think this issue isn’t insignificant. Dissent equals misinformation.
But doesn’t Graham assume that anyone who’s not on board with his right-wing narratives is spreading “misinformation”? Graham concluded by invoking his “libertine left” invention:
Psaki described it as a fight between “manufactured panic” on the right versus “actual facts” on the left. But this professional Democrat failed to consider the actual fact that biological males simply cannot “become” girls in athletics. They have a pronounced physical advantage.
The libertine left creates a “manufactured panic” that laws against transgender crossover into women’s sports is “targeting” people and harming their mental health to the point of suicide.
Consider the actual fact that nearly 900 biological females were robbed of medals in sports competing against transgender athletes, according to a United Nations study titled “Violence against women and girls in sports.” Concerns about young women’s fairness and safety cannot be mocked away by comedians and cable TV hosts.
As if Graham and his fellow right-wingers haven’t been manufacturing transphobic panics for years.