Mychal Massie's Michelle Obama Derangement
The far-right WorldNetDaily columnist spent months raging at the idea that Michelle Obama might run for president -- never mind that she had clearly stated that she wouldn't.
Mychal Massie has long had a deranged level of hatred for Michelle Obama, whom he loves to call “Buttzilla” — which, of course, disqualifies him from being taken seriously by anyone. Nevertheless, he insists on being taken seriously anyway., Indeed, his derangement ratcheted up during the presidential election amid baseless rumors that she might run for president. A September 2023 WorldNetDaily column from him in which he petulantly cannot bring himself to say the word “Michelle” (except in quotes from others) and refers to her only as “the Obama woman”:
There’s increasing talk that the Democrats are devising or perhaps have already devised a way to jettison the Obama woman into the numero uno seat. For the record, I don’t believe that for a second; I’ll explain why in moment.
Whether it’s wishful thinking or a reality, the chatter of them finding a way to parachute the Obama woman into the picture is gaining momentum. I will add that a close colleague has been assuring me since early summer that this is the plan. I still disagree.
Granted, there are those who slobber and droll over the very mention of that woman. But, who in their right minds would want this woman as the Democratic presidential nominee, much less in the Oval Office?
She may be liked by a crowd with a big megaphone, but I submit they’re the minority. I say that she not just disliked, but she is unlikable. Add to that her unbridled dislike for Americans and well-documented contempt, if not outright hatred for, so-called working-class people sans the melanin she displays.
Massie went on to rehash excerpts of his Obama-hate from previous columns, including a rant that “She used the decorative position she enjoys as her personal taxpayer-provided American Express Black Card, arguably the most exclusive credit card in the world. She has used her position to spend, glut, gobble and drink like no other woman in her position before her and doubtful after her.” Massie claimed to cite an article from foreign right-wing rag the Daily Mail as evidence, but the article is a rewrite from supermarket rag the National Enquirer citing no named sources and offering no actual evidence to back anything up. There’s no reason whatsoever to trust anything in this story — yet Massie does because it feeds his Michelle Obama Derangement Syndrome. Who cares if it’s not the truth? Massie certainly doesn’t.
Speaking of untrue, unsupported claims, Massie went on to huff:
The ploy is: whomever the Democrats select to replace Biden and Harris, it will be hailed as a brilliant move. Every talking head and poll quoted will show the person unbeatable by Donald Trump, as the Democrats work to execute a plan to steal another election. And nothing, absolutely nothing, makes me believe the 2020 election wasn’t stolen. They just used a different method than was employed when Kennedy stole the 1960 election from Richard Nixon – but they stole it nonetheless.
Again, Massie can’t be bothered to offer any sort of evidence to back up his claim. It’s as if he thinks he can get away with spreading lies because of his black-conservative privilege.
Massie ultimately concluded that Democrats will not run “the Obama woman,” conveniently omitting the fact that Michelle Obama herself has clearly stated she has no interest in running for president. He concluded by sneering: “If I’m wrong and they do go with the Obama woman, I predict Trump in a landslide, theft attempt notwithstanding.” Trump is an even bigger liar than Massie is, so it makes sense that Massie would support a fellow prevaricator.
Massie was at it again in an October 2023 column, pushing more unsubstantiated rumors that she might run:
There’s a mounting symphony of prediction that to my sensitive ears sounds as enjoyable, i.e., tolerable, as fingernails being scraped on a chalkboard. That sonic unpleasantness is the growing number of prognosticators predicting the Democratic Party is preparing to parachute the Obama woman into the presidential race to replace Biden.
I should note also that my longtime friend and colleague who is a Capitol Hill bloodhound with remarkable olfactory ability for political secrets, has been telling me the same thing for the past year.
I disagree with my friend, colleagues and those who are starting to publicly make the same prediction.
The Obama woman is enormously unlikeable. She’s a humiliatingly uncouth harridan; she’s lazy, contumelious, and if persons with firsthand knowledge are to be believed, a lush who imbibes more vodka than water; she’s at best boorish.
Additionally, she is without accomplishment. Her cheering section will claim otherwise, but apart from the perks associated with her husband, she in fact has accomplished nothing of merit on her own. Seriously, let’s be honest: What has she done in her life? Exactly what was her professional career before cashing in on Barry’s political ambitions? She was little more than a beard for her sexual-deviant pervert of a husband. Do we forget the alleged reasons for her mother moving into the White House, what amounted to a bribe to keep her from divorcing her perverted husband immediately after his first election?
With all of the other questions she would be bombarded with during even a short campaign, you can bet she would be confronted with mention about how it truthfully made her feel when her husband unsolicitedly revealed he dreamed about having sex with men, but nothing about fantasizing about his wife.
Again, Massie’s purported evidence for Michelle being “a lush who imbibes more vodka than water” is an article from foreign right-wing rag the Daily Mail that is nothing but a rewrite from supermarket tabloid rag the National Enquirer citing no named sources and offering no actual evidence to back anything up.
Massie then slipped in a backhanded complement, arguing that he’s not completely unhinged about Michelle by conceding she’s not transgender, as some far-right conspiracy theorists insist:
And you can bet the very last thing she is prepared to endure would be the questions and open discussions about her real gender.
For the record, I don’t like the Obama woman, but I’ve done more to defend her being a true woman than her husband has. She’s a grotesquely unattractive woman, but I find the accusations of her being a transsexual beyond absurd. However, I may be in the minority of opinion on said subject. I’m certain practically everyone reading this commentary has also heard/read ridiculous assertions she was born a man.
From there, Massie rehashed an old conspiracy theory that the contract to build the original Obamacare website “was awarded to the Canadian company CGI in a no-bid contract and that has as their senior vice president the classmate and friend of Michelle Obama, Toni Townes-Whitley.” In fact, three other companies also sought the contract, the bidding process was walled off from politics, and there’s no evidence of any close friendship between Michelle and Townes-Whitley. Massie also provided no evidence to support his claim that any contract money was “funneled back into the Obamas’ pockets by way of charitable donations by CGI to various interests of the Obamas, in this case specifically Michelle Obama’s.”
Massie concluded by admitting what everybody else has known:
Her penchant for unprecedented usufruct would be rubbed in the faces of the people being crushed by what is sure to be under her leadership a rapid descent to what will make the Great Depression seem like a bright sunny day.
All of that leaves out her conspicuous hatred for those she mocks as bitter white people who are afraid of her kind.
All that I’ve mentioned is what she will be forced to confront daily in her effort just to defeat President Trump in a head-to-head battle. Not only do I not believe her capable of the task; I don’t believe she is remotely interested in it.
But Michelle has repeatedly said she’s not interested in running for president. Why did it take so long for Massie to admit the truth? Because he wouldn’t have column fodder otherwise. How cynical and dishonest of him.
Massie ranted in a December 2023 column:
There are truly many people upon the earth who are by the very definition of the word are evil; and sadly, many of said people are women. The women I reference are soulless, contumelious harridans spawned in the pits of neo-Leninism. While those such as Hillary, Pelosi and the Halloween sisters (Alexandria Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley) are chief among all of so easily identified as worthy of such infamy, none is more deserving than the Obama woman.
Among the many Erebusic qualities that these godless women share in common, the most reprehensible is their undeniable hatred for other women. Here again, I place the Obama woman at the top of the broad and far-reaching list of lucifarian women.
What makes the Obama woman so deplorable is that she uses the lie of crayon-color skin for extortion and to foment division and immiseration. But, the worst is she uses it reduce the very people she claims to care about as disposable carcasses to sate the animalistic behavior of predators and killers.
She supports the criminals, but condemns law enforcement and our system of law and justice. She deceives the gullible into believing such predators are being mistreated and unfairly prosecuted when they’re sentenced to prison.
She and her predator husband support the man responsible for filling the prisons with the very young men they claim are being adversely prosecuted based upon the lie of skin color. It was Biden who led the legislation for the wholesale imprisonment of young men that he and Hillary called predators, animals and other coded names based upon the supposed color of their skin.
The Obama woman advocates for the early release of criminals and cessation of the arresting of so-called “black” boys and men, who pose end-of-life threats to their communities. She lives in a $12- to perhaps $20-million mansion (adjusting for appreciation) surrounded by a phalanx of around-the-clock armed security. The criminals she condemns law enforcement for bringing to justice, do not return to her neighborhood; they return to the vulnerable neighborhoods of the inner cities. There, they return to the rape and murder of vulnerable women and young girls. They imprison vulnerable young girls and women in lives of prostitution and drug addiction.
He concluded by spewing more unhinged hate: “The Obama woman is as much a monster as the Arab terrorists who slaughtered women and children in Israel, because she has the power to make a difference. Instead she is a gluttonous lush who reportedly finds guzzling top-shelf vodka, sleeping with secret-service men and advocating for those who mistreat and kill women more preferable.” Unsurprisingly, Massie offered no evidence whatsoever to back up these words.
Massie whined further in his Jan. 8 column:
If the Obama woman spoke nonstop without interruption every day, all day until the end of her life, if she lived to be 100 years old, everything she could possibly say taken collectively wouldn’t amount to a bag of peanuts in substance and value.
The question that demands an answer is: What could the miserably contentious harridan, who finds a way to whine about how awful she has it and hard her life has been because of the amount of surface-level melanin she exhibits, have to say worth two cents?
What in heaven’s name could a chronic whiner, who views her life as one never-ending jeremiad, have to say that would warrant paying her nearly $750,000 for an approximately hour-long, one-on-one conversation with a German entrepreneur? The simple truth is: nothing – not one single thing.
Massie may be a little jealous, since he would have trouble getting anyone to pay him $75 to listen to him spew his usual hate. Still, he ramped up his mindless viciousness:
Obama has capitalized in an environment that rewards whoredom, criminal dishonesty, promoting failure as a consequence of melanin, promoting and profiting from the murder of children, and she uses inculcated immiseration from the caldron she stirs to create the fallacious narrative that claims all so-called white people are bad and untrustworthy.
We’ve heard her pathetic claims that she suffers from low-grade depression, brought on by President Trump. That President Trump could cause such a belligerent individual to lose her mind because he stands for everything she hates – including Jesus Christ, America and family – is alone enough reason to vote for him. But, I digress.
The point I want to make is just how transpicuous her lies are when exposed. She claims it’s dispiriting and exhausting to wake up each day with yet another Negro man being hurt or killed. Her entire act is about fomenting discord based upon the amount of melanin a person has or doesn’t have visible.
The Obama woman is a one-trick pony capable of one thing. Her total game consists of complaining how bad she has it, how hard it is to be a crayon color and how difficult it is to be her. Is she really what they are trying to backdoor into the White House after they pull the coup on Biden?
This is a sad commentary for what remains of America’s future, but they got elected because of the guilt of many and the susceptibility to lies of many others. Now they are entrenched, and it appears to be Obama is positioning himself to exercise control even after Biden is kicked to the curb.
Massie was still raging about the possibility that Michelle might be president in his Jan. 29 column:
Kamala Harris is a loathsome, inarticulate and utterly incompetent fraud, but at least it can be said that she slept her way to the top with a man (or men). The Obama woman is a grotesquely unattractive, boorish harridan who suffers more humiliation than Hillary Clinton whose husband molested and battered women into submission. The Obama woman endures the ignominy of being married to someone that publicly boasts that his days are consumed with fantasies of sodomizing and being sodomized by men.
Add the fact that she has an insatiable hatred for America and the American people, specifically those Americans with the absence of melanin she exhibits. She epitomizes a person with a massive inferiority complex who suffers from the realization that no matter what she does in the futile attempt to exhibit the more desirable qualities of womanhood, her husband will always find men more alluring than he finds her. Assuming he ever found her desirable, but I digress.
I admit that has to be a bitter pill to swallow; and in her case no matter how much top-shelf vodka she reportedly swills, no matter how many millions of taxpayer dollars she spends on lavish vacations, ill-fitting tacky-looking clothing, make-up, wigs and hair pieces, she will always be less desirable than the men of her “cough-cough” husband’s craving.
Imagine the baggage she would bring to presidential race. If she was a runaway train fueled by usufruct when she was the “first woman” (I cannot in good conscious call her a lady), just imagine her if the Democrats were able to steal her the election.
Americans made a huge mistake allowing false guilt to shame them into electing what she is married to; but her repeated efforts to convince people that having every need, whim and fancy not just attended to, but granted shows the racism she endures is a reach. I’m guessing her real angst was living in the “White” House and not being able to paint it black with graffiti on the backyard fence and a mural of George Floyd on one of the outside walls. (Sarcasm intended.)
The Obama woman literally brings no capabilities to the table, apart from a trove of jeremiadical tales of immiseration. I can tell you that anyone who lives in her Martha’s Vineyard ZIP code doesn’t have it hard.
She wants to be liked, but she is wholly unlikeable. She wants to be viewed as beautiful and revered, but her boorish commonality reduces her to table dressing at a backyard urban cookout juxtaposed to honored guest at a sophisticated dinner party. Shall we count the times she embarrassed the American people by going ghetto at formal affairs both here and on foreign soil? Should we forget the time she mugged the queen with hugs? Should we forget her repeated tacky outfits with the oversized belts and sleeveless dresses?
It looks like Massie is still giving his thesaurus a workout, what with phrases like “jeremiadical tales of immiseration.”
in his May 27 column, Massie listed “the Obama woman” among other women he hates for being '“ghastly examples of role models for the fabric of Americans who view melanin content as the summum bonum, i.e., the greatest good/the ultimate importance.” Massie hurled a mini-screed at Michelle Obama and her husband:
The Obama woman is even worse than Hillary Clinton when it comes to setting examples. Hillary defended her husband by attacking the women he raped, battered and molested; but the Obama woman is supporting a man who publicly boasts of fantasizing every day about sodomizing men. This in addition to the rumors of her allegedly having affair(s) with those responsible for protection and others.
As a collective, Edgar Allen Poe could not have written a better horror story about the spreading of hatred and the refusal to accept personal responsibility than these trollops live out every day of their condemnable lives.
Collectively, they epitomize the living destruction of the so-called black family. Propriety and modernity are eschewed and looked down upon in favor of ill-mannered Jezebels such as them.
We eventually get to Massie’s real issue with these women:
There was a time in history when women in this societal fabric were honorable and truly virtuous. There was a time they were married for life and raised children who were justifiably proud of them.
But today, woman comprising this demographic are encouraged to have their children murdered and to live gratuitously amoral lives. But, they do have that melanin thing going for them; and that makes them role models.
What Massie really appears to be saying that he hates women who think for themselves and can’t be controlled by misogynistic far-right men like himself.