Michael Brown's Deceptive Anti-LGBTQ Attacks, Part 10: The Bad Narrative Continues
The WorldNetDaily columnist's two-faced strategy of bashing LGBT people while falsely claiming to have compassion for them continued during 2024.
The Series:
Much of WorldNetDaily columnist Michael Brown’s career as a right-wing pastor has involved pretending to have compassion for LGBT people while heaping hate and contempt on them. That unsurprisingly continued during 2024.
Brown joined in the ConWeb‘s manufactured outrage last year over the Transgender Day of Visibility happening on the same day as Easter, conveniently ignoring the fact that the Transgender Day of Visibility has always happened on March 31 while Easter changes every year. He wrote in his April 1 column:
For many years now, it has been clear that America has been in a steep moral and spiritual decline, despite some genuine revival movements along with some holy pushback against the growing cultural insanity. But two recent examples confirm that we are now in moral freefall.
The first is Presdient Biden’s proclamation that March 31, which this year falls on Resurrection (Easter) Sunday, is now “Transgender Day of Visibility.”
This is not a poorly timed announcement. It is not even a slap in the face. It is a kick below the belt accompanied by a laugh and a smile. It is as insulting as it is perverse, no matter how much we care for our trans-identified friends and colleagues and want them to experience wholeness and freedom in the Lord.
Brown cares nothing for transgender people, of course — for him, they are a tool, an excuse to spread hate and fear. He doesn’t want them to “experience wholeness and freedom in the Lord” so much as he wants to eliminate their existence entirely. And he censored the fact that Transgender Day of Visibility has always fallen on March 31 when Easter just happened to share that date this year, since doing so would take some of the sting out of the outrage he’s trying to manufacture.
But Brown had a controversy to exploit for political purposes, and exploit it he did by rehashing his usual hate:
There’s even a danger of becoming so accustomed to our nation’s precipitous condition that we just yawn at the latest example of our depravity.
Drag queens reading to toddlers with the enthusiastic support of the American Library Association? No big deal.
Thirteen-year-old girls having their healthy breasts removed and 11-year-old boys getting chemically castrated because of short-lived struggles with their gender identity? Nothing to fuss about.
Radical feminists launching a “Shout Your Abortion” movement? No big deal.
Christians being canceled because they dare to hold to their biblically based values in public? Let’s not get too worked up.
How deadly complacency can be!
That’s why we need to feel the full force of the outrage of the moment, as the president of the United States, himself a professing Catholic, uses his bully platform to mock the followers of Jesus worldwide. First, he announced “Transgender Day of Visibility” on Good Friday. Then, he timed things so that it would be celebrated this year on Resurrection (Easter) Sunday.
Wake up, America! It really is revival or we die – and that revival, that awakening, that coming to life again, that returning to the Lord with all our hearts and souls, repenting of our own sins – must begin with each of us.
To pray it again, “Lord, let the awakening start with me!”
For Brown, that’s what it’s all about — forcing his religion on others instead of acknowledging and respecting the basic humanity of people who don’t think and act exactly like he does.
The ranting continued in his May 3 column:
According to a major study by the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, “bisexual women die, on average, nearly 40 percent younger than heterosexual women, while lesbian women die 20 percent sooner.” These are tragic numbers, numbers that should concern all of us, regardless of our attitudes towards lesbianism and bisexuality. If you care about people, this is sad to hear.
As reported in the Daily Mail, “The researchers used data from the Nurses’ Health Study II, a cohort of over 100,000 female nurses born between 1945 and 1964 and surveyed since 1989.”
So, while the study focuses on a particular segment of society, it relies on a tremendous amount of data and covers almost 30 years of death records.
What was the cause of these alarmingly shortened life-expectancies? According to lead author Dr. Sarah McKetta, research fellow at the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, “The difference in mortality is said to be due to the ‘toxic social forces’ LGBTQ people face, which can ‘result in chronic stress and unhealthy coping mechanisms.'”
The theory is that bisexual women, who face stigmatization both inside and outside the LGBTQ community, have the most social isolation, whereas lesbians only face that isolation outside the LGBTQ community.
Let’s not pretend that Brown isn’t cheering this development. He certainly believes these people have it coming:
I would propose something far more basic, namely, that gay and bisexual women are less likely to have long-term, family-based relationships (meaning, committed relationships that result in the production of children) than heterosexual women. And because healthy families provide the most stable, emotionally strong and supportive environments for human thriving, the lack of this support base produces more emotional and social instability.
Put another way, God’s ways are ways of life, and when we deviate from His intended pattern, we shorten our lives.
That’s why the life insurance policy of a smoker is higher than that of a non-smoker, or the life insurance policy of a stunt man who is also a heavy drinker is higher than that of an accountant who doesn’t drink.
This is not to say that your average gay or bisexual woman is partying day and night or sleeping around freely or engaging in substance abuse. It is simply to suggest that, even in the most affirming environments, LGBTQ identified people will, on average, have shorter lifespans simply because they violate God’s pattern for human thriving.
There are certainly single women who are blessed, and there are certainly gay and bisexual women who settle down in families. But to the extent that we deviate from God’s intended plan for human thriving, it will take its inevitable toll.
Brown spent part of his May 13 column reading headlines from his fellow homophobes at Breitbart that noted “a non-binary occultist named Bambie Thug joins with Islamic protesters in Sweden outraged over the presence of an Israeli singer at Eurovision,” a “transgender woman” (their scare quotes) who ran over a man with his car, “stabbed him 9 times, then kissed him and danced around over his body” — funny how Breibart never seems to run stories on white heterosexual male killers — and J.K. Rowling spewing transphobia before focusing on GLAAD noting that there was a decrease in LGBT characters on TV:
So, 468 LGBTQ characters is not enough? And 1 in 20 characters identifying as transgender is not enough, even though that is 10 times higher than reality?
As stated by GLAAD’s CEO, Sarah Kate Ellis, “We know it is imperative for the queer community, especially transgender people, to see our lives reflected on screen to counteract the misinformation and harmful rhetoric going unchecked by politicians and journalists. And we know that younger audiences are hungry for shows that truly reflect the world around them.”
In other words, we must continue to pump out the propaganda, first indoctrinating impressionable young people, then confirming their confusion and pain. And at any cost, we must counteract the “misinformation and harmful rhetoric going unchecked by politicians and journalists.”
In other words, we must counteract any view that challenges our own, in particular, that which is spoken by Christian conservatives.
Brown is never going to admit that the “view” he advances is just as much propaganda as what he accuses GLAAD of doing. He concluded with more of his usual faux compassion:
As for those who truly struggle with gender confusion, may our scorn for the moral chaos not outweigh our compassion for them as individuals. As they find wholeness from the inside out, they themselves will demonstrate to the watching world that there is a better way. Until then, we can only expect the headlines to get worse.
He added that only after heaping scorn on anyone who’s not as much of a right-wing heterosexual as he is.
Pride Month hate
Pride Month was in June, and Brown brought his usual anti-LGBT hatred to the fore yet again. Brown complained at the beginning of the month in his June 5 column:
It’s June, and that means that everywhere you turn, you’ll be confronted with LGBTQ+ flags and banners and memes and displays. But rather than get frustrated by this constant, in your face display, let’s turn it into a call for prayer.
That’s why I posted on June 3, “Every time you see a Pride flag or display this month, let it be a reminder to pray for the mercy of God to touch all those who identify as LGBTQ+ and for them to experience the same repentance and forgiveness and transformation that you have received as a follower of Jesus.”
Prayer is our greatest spiritual weapon and the most powerful expression of our love. Prayer prevails. As S.D. Gordon said, “Prayer is striking the winning blow. Service is gathering up the results.”
Brown then touted a film with a lot of anti-LGBT content:
I encourage you to take the time to watch an amazing documentary produced by American Family Studios titled “In His Image.” (Trust me on this. You will be really blessed when you watch.)
I had the privilege of hosting this powerful film, which not only features great, practical, theological discussion on the meaning of male and female and of God’s plan for humanity. It also features powerful testimonies from ex-gays and ex-trans individuals, two of whom had trans-related surgeries in the past.
That’s how committed they were to transitioning, and that’s how radically God intervened in their lives.
I would especially draw your attention to the story of Laura Beth Perry (now happily married, and officially Laura Perry Smalts), since prayer played a major role in her own salvation and transformation, as you’ll see when you watch “In His Image.”
Let this also be an encouragement to every family member, friend and loved one of someone who identifies as somewhere on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. As you continue to show them Christlike love and kindness, never forget the power of prayer.
We really do serve a prayer-answering God, and while He will not infringe on our freedom of choice, He really does know how to change hearts and minds.
So, every time you see that Pride flag or a Pride meme, use it as a reminder to pray for an outpouring of God’s transforming, saving mercy on all those who fly under that hijacked rainbow.
It is time for a wonderful harvest of souls! May the churches be ready to receive them with love and truth.
After Pride Month ended, Brown served up more hate in his July 3 column — starting, of course, with his usual faux compassion:
As a follower of Jesus, I believe in treating every human being with civility and grace. And to be quite specific, I believe in loving my LGBTQ+ neighbor as myself. At the same time, because I care for the greater good of society and believe that God’s ways are best, I oppose many of the goals of LGBTQ+ activism. That’s why I was glad to see a much-more diminished version of Pride Month in 2024. The pushback, which I have been expecting for years, continues to grow.
Fervently cheering LGBT people being erased from society is not an example of “civility and grace.” He continued to undercut that purported compassion by cheering that others hate LGBT people as much as he does:
Last year, things were so over the top and in your face that the longtime gay ally Piers Morgan asked, “Have we gone rainbow crazy or is Pride Month more important than patriotism?” And in response to a challenge from a gay comedian, Morgan answered, “I’m not triggered by a rainbow flag. I’m triggered by the fact that everywhere that I go for a month everything has to be a rainbow flag.”
Last year, things got so extreme with Target’s “tuck” bathing suits for males who identified as females (including children) that Joe Rogan commented, “When I go to Target, I don’t wanna see like [expletive] tuck pants. They’re designed to help you tuck your [expletive]. Like, hey, that’s not normal.”
Last year we were also in the thick of the Bud Light boycott, with Rogan calling the so-called “transgender influencer” Dylan Mulvaney “a confused person.” As for Kid Rock, he let his gun do the talking (before adding some choice expletives).
Already, by the end of last year, Kid Rock had softened his stance, saying that Bud “‘deserved a black eye and they got one’ for the partnership with Dylan Mulvaney, but then added he’s over the boycott. ‘So, do I want to hold their head underwater and drown them because they made a mistake? No, I think they got the message.'”
It would be hard to miss a message that cost you more than 1 billion dollars.
Target got the message, too.
Brown did not explain why companies need to be punished financially for not sharing in his hate. Instead, he concluded:
It’s hard to argue with reality.
And so, the pushback continues to gain ground as radical activism continues to lose steam and more and more Americans, regular people who are not bigots or haters, are saying, “Enough already.”
Brown is lying. If you’re trying to destroy a company for insufficiently hating LGBT people, you are very much a bigot and a hater.
Olympics meltdown
Michael Brown began his July 29 column this way:
For the last 20 years, when it comes to LGBTQ+ people and issues, I have followed this simple directive from the Lord: “Reach out and resist,” meaning, “Reach out to the people with compassion; resist the agenda with courage.” Or, put another way (and now in the title of a forthcoming book), we should have hearts of compassion and backbones of steel.
In keeping with that spirit, I do not demonize those who identify as LGBTQ+, as if all of them were devious sexual predators who gloried in BDSM practices and delighted in displays of public perversity.
That’s a lie, as we have repeatedly documented. Indeed, he went on to portray any display of LGBTQ pride — illustrated here by a brief scene during the Olympics opening ceremony, joining the freakout by others at WND — as de facto perverse:
Why, then, have gay pride events for decades been marked by these very perverse displays? And why were the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games, intended by the planners to draw attention to France’s LGBTQ+ community, marked by such perversity?
We can put aside for a moment the debate as to just how offensive the ceremonies were, in particular, the degree of intentionality behind the despicable mockery of DaVinci’s “Last Supper” painting, with a drag queen, wearing a crown, taking the place of Jesus.
I will say, though, that the ultimate, ironically tone-deaf comments have come from those celebrating the “inclusivity” of the event, as if mocking something sacred to Christians was being inclusive to them. To quote the Associated Press directly, “In an unprecedented display of inclusivity, drag queens took center stage at the Paris Olympics opening ceremony, showcasing the vibrant and influential role of the French LGBTQ+ community – while also attracting criticism over a tableau reminiscent of ‘The Last Supper.'”
In the end, sarcasm aside, however you slice the cake, the ceremonies were perverse, with the celebration of drag queens and transgenders and a scene featuring a throuple (in this case, two men and a woman), apparently ready to do their thing behind closed doors. Yes, thisshowcased “the vibrant and influential role of the French LGBTQ+ community.”
In the words of Le Filip, who recently won the “Drag Race France” competition, “The (French) government knows what it’s doing. They want to show themselves in the best way possible. They showed no restraints in expression.”
And this leads me to back to my opening question: Why is this the way that France’s LGBTQ+ community wants to be seen and known?
Then it was back to his faux compassion schtick:
As I have interacted with LGBTQ+ identified individuals over the years, the vast majority of them have been quite normal in terms of their interests and lifestyle. They are our co-workers, our neighbors, our family members, our friends, working their jobs, having their relationships, some of them raising kids too.
Yet many that I have interacted with have also had no problem with little children attending absolutely vulgar gay pride events, even with some events featuring public nudity. Something does not add up.
In my 2011 book “A Queer Thing Happened to America,” I noted that, “Gay activists are so careful to utilize carefully crafted language to communicate their points, using ‘gay’ rather than ‘homosexual,’ speaking of ‘gay and lesbian civil rights’ rather than a ‘gay agenda,’ and referring to ‘sexual orientation’ rather than ‘sexual preference,’ just to name a few. This makes it all the more ironic that such public, self-exposing, and self-denigrating displays have been standard fare in major gay pride events.”
Then he was back to smearing any public display of LGBTQ pride as “perverse”:
Who in their right mind would associate any of this with Black Pride or Asian Pride or Hispanic Pride or Jewish Pride? But it is standard fare when it comes to the celebration of LGBTQ+ Pride. Why?
The answer is that, fundamentally, homosexual relationships and transgender expression represent a violation of God’s design for humanity, both in terms of the meaning of marriage and the meaning of sex-gender.
In the end, regardless of the degree to which every gay or lesbian or trans person on the planet is a fellow human being, created in the image of God and the object of His love, there is something fundamentally amiss with their desires and expression. In short, this comes down to a sexual deviation, expressed either in same-sex attraction or a confused gender identity (and in writing this, I recognize that in the overwhelming majority of cases, this deviation was not asked for or desired).
When this deviation is celebrated, it brings the perversions to the surface, also providing fertile ground for satanic expressions. These would include a devil-horned drag queen reading to little children, celebrated on Pride.com with the caption, “This Drag Queen Dressed as a Satanic Goddess to Read to Kids” in honor of LGBT History Month and Halloween.
We can now add to this list the Paris 2024 opening ceremonies, now declaring to the entire world the fundamentally disordered nature of all sexualities and expressions that deviate from God’s original design.
May He have mercy and may He redeem.
If Brown is dismissing LGBTQ people as “disordered” and a “deviation,” he cannot be taken seriously as someone who shows compassion for them. His hatred is just too great.
Brown returned to this theme in his Aug. 5 column:
It is one thing to talk about an LGBTQ+ “agenda.” It is another thing when the fruits of that agenda hit you in the face – literally. But that is exactly what we are witnessing today as a result of radical LGBTQ+ activism, which itself represents some of the worst fruit of the sexual revolution.
Much of the world was shocked by the perverse displays at the Paris 2024 opening ceremony. But those of us who have been following the trajectory of LGBTQ+ activism for years were not surprised at all. This is the natural fruit of a tree that is disordered from the roots up.
Yet as offensive as this massive media event was, it did not directly affect our lives.
Things were different at a recent women’s cycling event in Washington, where three biological males, teamed with three females in a two-way relay race, took first, second, and third place.
This led to a rant about transgender athletes, which inevitably invoked another Olympics controversy:
This is not a game, my friends. In some cases, it is a matter of life and death.
Now, the whole world is outraged as an Olympic boxer with XY chromosomes and elevated testosterone levels has demolished the first opponent, despite failing a gender test last year.
To be sure, the case of Imane Khelif does not appear to be a matter of a fully biological male, like Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner or Will “Lia” Thomas, claiming to be a woman. Khelif is said to suffer from “Differences of Sexual Development, which is a set of conditions that involve reproductive organs and hormones,” sometimes including “women with DSD have XY chromosomes.”
So, Khelif grew up as a girl and has always identified as a woman. But when it comes to playing sports, especially combat sports, Khelif does not pass the gender test and cannot be classified as a female. (As it is often said, you “play” football or soccer or baseball. You do not “play” boxing.)
We can have compassion on Khelif, then, as an intersex individual. But we do not give Khelif a license to hit women in the face.
Not surprisingly, the Olympic Games have wrestled with similar situations in the past, most notably in the case of multiple gold medal winner Caster Semenya. Reportedly, “she was born with a vagina and internal undescended testes, but … she has no uterus or fallopian tubes and does not menstruate. Her internal testes produce natural testosterone levels in the typical male range.”
It is one thing, though, when the question comes down to the sex of a runner. It is another thing when it comes down to the sex of a boxer, and it is only the irrational, extremist views of radical trans activism that made it possible for a boxer with clear male advantages to pummel the female opponents in the face.
As we’ve pointed out, the organization that claims Khelif failed a “gender test” is “a discredited organization, mired in financial opaqueness and compromised by ties to the Russian leadership,” and it has refused to make that test public, further raising questions about its legitimacy. It then held a mess of a press conference in which it promised prize money to boxers defeated by Khelif and another female boxer it has attacked.
Still, Brown concluded:
Will this, at last, be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, when society as a whole finally says, “Enough is enough”? Or will a woman have to die at the hands of a male competitor before reality sets in?
I surely hope it is the former rather than the latter. The madness must stop.
One might say that Brown’s seething hatred of LGBTQ people is madness — even as he does it behind a cloak of faux compassion.
Suddenly, a purity test
Brown started his Sept. 4 column being pleased that others hate transgender people as much as he does:
I appreciate the many secular, even atheistic and non-Christian voices that have pushed back against radical trans-activism. They have spoken loudly and clearly and boldly and fearlessly. Good for them! But if America is to be changed in a lasting, positive way, we cannot only push back against what is wrong. We must also present what is right, namely, that human beings are created in the image of God, thereby endowed with morality and purpose and significance, and that He created us male and female. That’s why those of us with a biblically based faith must lead the way.
To be sure, we will not fight this battle alone, and that’s why I’m appreciative of all those who have taken a stand against radical transgender activism, in some cases, at real personal cost. At the same time, we cannot fully align ourselves with trans-opposing atheists who mock the Bible or gay and lesbian activists who embrace same-sex “marriage” while rejecting the transgender grooming of children.
But Brown then felt a need to impose a purity test on his fellow haters, arguing that one must be a right-wing Christian like he is in order to properly hate them:
Similarly, Bill Maher, another influential, religion-bashing atheist, has come under attack for his common-sense, anti-trans activism remarks, with the Queer Majority website noting that he is “part of a growing trend – a no longer exclusively right-wing backlash against the excesses of trans activism.” Here, too, I’m glad to have him calling out the emperor’s lack of clothes. But can we join in spirit with Maher’s totally non-spiritual approach?
I could list other voices here, including Kid Rock, who famously shot up cans of Bud Light in response to the ill-fated, ill-advised Dylan Mulvaney ad campaign. That helped launch a boycott that cost Anheuser Busch billions of dollars. But are we to embrace Kid Rock as an icon of morality and a partner in the Gospel?
Or how about the influential social media group Gays Against Groomers? I have often reposted their very forceful memes and comments exposing the dangers to children of radical trans-activism. At the same time, I do not believe we would be where we are as a society today if it were not for gay and lesbian activism in the past. As I wrote on May 23, 2023, you cannot separate the LGB from the T and the Q. (See also here.)
As for having limited solidarity with a group like Gays Against Groomers (despite my real appreciation for much of their work), I could hardly celebrate the news that one of the group’s founders, a lesbian, was going to “marry” her female partner.
The same can be said for my appreciation for the clear-headed, anti-trans-activist comments of people like Piers Morgan, J.K. Rowling, Martina Navratilova and Joe Rogan.
I’m glad for their comments and stands, but I recognize that Morgan, for his part, has been well-known for challenging Christian conservatives on his programs (here’s where he challenged me); Rowling, herself straight, has been a longtime LGB ally; Navratilova, is an out and proud lesbian; and Rogan – well, suffice is to say that when you think of Joe Rogan, the first word that comes to your mind is not “Bible.”
Again, I appreciate their level-headedness on many trans-related issues, and their voices are certainly influential and helpful. Some of them have also been quite courageous, like Rowling, who virtually took on the nation of Scotland and won.
But none of these people are starting with a biblical worldview, which is the only worldview that can sustain human thriving in the long run.
Denying that He created us male and female, with men designed for women and women designed for men, opens the door to an endless alphabet of relational and gender variants (think LGBTQIP+++).
That’s why those of us who honor God and respect His Word must help lead the way in today’s cultural revolution, not by taking over and imposing our will but by living out our faith and demonstrating that God’s ways are best.
Surely, many in this hurting and confused generation will welcome this good news, especially when it comes with a note of mercy, redemption and transforming love of the cross. This is something that others who are outside of Jesus cannot possibly offer.
Let us then, in His name, help lead the way.
Actually, Brown is imposing his will by demanding that the world hate transgender people like he does and cloaking himself in the Bible to justify his hate. So it’s weird that he’s imposing a purity test on his fellow haters — you’d think he’d be totally comfortable in such like-minded, nasty company.
Learning from the gay community
Oddly, Brown apparently doesn’t hate LGBT people so much that he won’t steal some ideas from them. His May 20 column is a condensed version of a lecture he first gave in 2007 (and is repeating in a new book) listing what he claimed “What the Church Can Learn from the Gay and Lesbian Community.” Tolerance is not one of those eight lessons — Brown still hates the very existence of LGBT people, after all — but organization and promotion is, and despite his hate, he does understand that such an approach could work with others. His first point is that “Change did not come about merely by going to gay meetings but rather by being gay 24/7,” as if gay people could turn on and off their sexual orientation. Another tip was “Remember to focus on the children!”:
This is almost a mantra in gay activist circles: The children are being hurt. Consider how this affects the children. Always talk about the children!
Need I say more to followers of Jesus today? Either we speak up for the children and make their solid upbringing and education a priority or someone else will. Are we going to sit idly by and let our kids become victims?
Brown thinks children are “victims” if they aren’t taught by his fellow right-wing Christians to hate LGBT people. His final point was “Unity is essential!”:
Although in some ways, the “homosexual community” is as diverse as the “heterosexual community,” in other ways there is remarkable unity, solidarity, and the ability to mobilize for action in the gay community.
Yet the church is often famous for its disunity and splits. Could it be that we are fighting for our own little kingdoms while gays and lesbians are fighting for a common cause, in their minds, simply the right to exist as human beings? The New Testament clearly calls us to unity! Jesus taught it, prayed for it, and died for it, and the other New Testament authors echo this call. Without unity, we are doomed to fail.
It has been said that “Jesus transforms people and people transform society,” and the bottom line is this: Either we will transform our society or our society will transform us. Which will it be?
I asked this question in 2007. I’m asking it again today.
But Brown and his fellow right-wing Christians oppose the right of LGBT people to exist as human beings, which makes it a rather hateful thing to build a unity campaign around. While that’s entirely possible, it taints the entire concept, and invoking Jesus as a excuse to hate others — an ideology based on hating others for who they are is not a transforming idea — has never gone well for long.